905.788.3135 ext. 243 info@ourniagarariver.ca


Lyons Creek East (Niagara River, Ontario) Area of Concern: benthic conditions in 2015 and temporal trends from 2002 to 2015

Report on the results of sediment chemistry, benthic community structure, bioaccumulation in native invertebrates, and sediment toxicity from fall 2015 sampling at Lyons Creek East and three nearby reference sites. Analysis also includes trends from 2002-2015. Prepared by Danielle Milani and Lee Grapentine, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Water Science and Technology Directorate, March 2017

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Niagara River Upstream/Downstream Program Report: Concentrations, Loads and Trends

Results from the Niagara River Upstream/Downstream program to measure the concentrations/loads and trends of contaminants in the river, 2001-02 & 2004-05. Data are compared to the most stringent water quality criteria available from the four agencies, to provide an indication of potential impairment of beneficial uses. Use of these data for any other purpose is at the discretion of the user.

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Monitoring & Assessing Marsh Habitat Health

Bird Studies Canada final project report to assess AOC wetland quality and enhance long-term volunteer monitoring within the region. The primary goal of this project was to integrate Marsh Monitoring Program bird and amphibian data with limnological and aquatic macroinvertebrate data to provide a multi-parameter assessment of wetland health for the Niagara River AOC to inform the current status of BUI #3 (Degradation of Fish…

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About Us

Efforts from many key partners in the RAP Team continue to help complete priority actions for the restoration, protection, and enhancement of the Niagara River ecosystem. This initiative is made possible through the financial support of the Government of Canada and Ontario, in partnership with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.

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