Local youth and adults learn how to fish the Niagara River!
Fishing can be a fun and relaxing way to connect with nature. But, if you’re new to the activity there is a lot to learn—and it can be intimidating. That’s why the Niagara River Remedial Action Plan (NRRAP) team asked the folks at Learn to Fish Ontario to help us get kids and adults learning the basics of fishing and enjoying the Niagara River!
On Saturday, July 9th, 21 people (ranging from kids as young as age 6 to adults) participated in a 2-hour educational and interactive fishing program. Participants learned about the fish species and how to identify them, how to fish safely, what the basic fishing rules are and where to find them, what invasive species are and what to do with them, how to tie fishing knots, how to cast, and fishing etiquette.

The interactive program got kids involved in the presentation! This youngster is showing off items needed to stay safe while fishing.
After the education session, attendees headed down to the Niagara River shoreline to put their knowledge to use! Their training was shown to be effective as participants caught a 1-lb Smallmouth Bass, a Yellow Perch, and several Round Goby. All fish were safely released into the water, except the goby which must be euthanized and disposed of as they are an invasive species. Learn about Round Goby here: http://www.invadingspecies.com/invaders/fish/round-goby/
After the event, participants received information and items to start their tackle boxes such as a fishing lure, measuring tape, and a booklet with fishing tips for the new angler.
With perfect weather, a beautiful location, eager participants, and enthusiastic demonstrators from Learn to Fish Ontario, the event was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came out to participate and making our first learn to fish event such a hit. Follow the Niagara River RAP on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) to make sure you don’t miss future events.
Special thanks to the Learn to Fish Ontario program staff and sponsors for making this event possible. The Niagara River RAP is a local partnership between various organizations and interested citizens that work together to restore water quality and ecosystem health in the Niagara River to remove it from the list of Great Lakes Areas of Concern. This initiative is made possible through the support of the Governments of Canada and Ontario, in partnership with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority.